BEASTIARIUM #7 Krusnik – Dark

BEASTIARIUM #7 Krusnik – Dark

This is a quite obscure creature. The Krusnik or Kresnik, originates in pre-Christian Slavic myths, and it is depicted as the spirit of a shaman who roams the world after their physical death. It was believed to be a “silent” protector, one that secretly heals people and animals, although it is hard to pinpoint these beliefs with accuracy, as the oral traditions have almost been extinct with the Christianisation of Europe.


This is a series inspired by my fascination for Cryptozoology, mythical creatures, and urban legends. The collection started as an attempt to create a mythical book on beasts. Illustrating such a large project will be a life-long endeavour, so I decided to release the illustrations individually.

About the Original

The Original Piece is a freehand drawing with ink, watercolour, and pencil on cold pressed premium Winsor and Newton paper.

Find this and more of my Artwork here:

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